Friday, February 7, 2014

Makeup Mood Swings

Yes, you read the title right. Da-da-da-dahhh! I present to you Makeup Mood Swings. (I literally just made that up. Feeling rather rad right now I must admit.) So what is Makeup Mood Swings? Well, straight off the bat you might be able to guess what it is. If not here is my definition on it. It's when a girl, such as a myself, goes to apply makeup without having a clue of what she is going to do that day. As she is applying primer to her face she focuses on that action alone. Thinking to herself, "What foundation or finish of my skin do I want today? Glowy? Matte?" Then slowly the feeling of lust creeps up on her. She may THINK she knows what she wants the night previously however, being in the moment her body just craves a "certain look" that day. This is what I go through everyday. Makeup Mood Swings.

Yesterday I filmed my "HAUL & REVIEW: Highend and Drugstore Part 1 and 2" video. Here's the links for it.
Part 1: 
Part 2: 
This is the makeup I decided to do that day. A classic red lip, mascara, bronzer with a hint of blush and hair up in a pony tail. Note to self for next time: HAIR SPRAY! Other than that this is a perfect timeless look to go for when you don't want to do a whole lot to your face. 

Feat. Lime Crime's Red Vevletine

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